Our goal is for our pipeline and energy facilities to operate 安全 every day so that the public, our workforce and the environment aren’t affected by an incident involving our assets. 安全是,也将永远是威尼斯电玩城手游的第一价值观.
With a goal of zero safety incidents at hundreds of facilities in three countries, 做好准备需要团队合作, 协调和有效的应对计划. 作为计划的一部分, in 2020 we conducted 170 emergency management program exercises across our entire network. 这些模拟使威尼斯电玩城手游自己的人员能够与当地的急救人员合作,磨练威尼斯电玩城手游的技能,并在不太可能发生的严重事件中制定通信协议.
Gerry Demeules
Kapuskasing’s Fire Chief, Gerry Demeules, Talks about Collaborating with TC Energy
你是急救员吗? Download these important guides for more on safety protocols for our 操作.
We believe every incident is preventable and continuously strive toward our goal of realizing zero safety incidents. 虽然事故很少发生, being prepared to respond 安全 and rapidly is something we train for year-round.
威尼斯电玩城手游的首要任务永远是公众的安全, 地主, 在第一时间作出回应, 员工、承包商和环境. Our robust emergency response plans are focused on quickly and effectively responding to emergencies, 减轻可能对公共安全造成的影响, 及时保护财产或环境.
Although we consult emergency services during the development of our 紧急应变计划, 如果社区有兴趣更好地了解威尼斯电玩城手游应急管理计划,威尼斯电玩城手游也鼓励他们阅读这些文件.
In order to access the 紧急应变计划 some basic information is requested. 您的信息将不会用于任何商业目的,除了让威尼斯电玩城手游了解对威尼斯电玩城手游的应急管理计划感兴趣的团体或向威尼斯电玩城手游的监管机构(如.e.(国家能源局),如有需要. 在任何时候, 在Trans加拿大被授权访问您的个人信息的人员将按照Trans加拿大隐私政策和适用法律进行操作.
点击这个框, you acknowledge the plans poisted to this website are for viewing and awareness only. These plans are the property of Trans加拿大 and are not to be used by third parties. Limited information has been redacted from these documents to preserve the safety and security of Trans加拿大, 它的资产和员工以及环境.
横跨北美, we work with emergency responders in the communities we do business in to help in case of an emergency.
NASFM -管道应急响应培训
IAFC -管道应急响应培训
自学, online emergency response training is available through the International Association of Fire Chiefs.
NENA -国家紧急号码协会
唯一专注于911政策的专业组织, 技术, 操作, 还有教育问题.
The POSP is committed to building partnerships between pipeline operators and emergency responders.
Our ongoing Planned Maintenance and 管道 Integrity Management programs include regular maintenance, 例行空中巡逻, 地面调查, 阴极防腐蚀保护, monitoring by trained operators 一天24小时 and internal inspections using devices like Smart Pigs.
每年, we spend hundreds of millions on 完整性 and preventative maintenance programs to ensure the safe, 威尼斯电玩城手游系统的可靠运行.
控制中心24小时监控管道, 一年365天,确保它们安全高效地运行. 控制中心包括一个操作控制系统, 一个泄漏检测系统和一个卫星通信网络.
Our state-of-the-art Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems and our specialized oil leak detection systems, 随着安全性能的提高和专业人员的培训,威尼斯电玩城手游的石油和天然气管道使威尼斯电玩城手游有信心能够快速识别和应对泄漏. 这些功能包括:
- 该技术能够隔离威尼斯电玩城手游的管道部分,然后在几分钟内从威尼斯电玩城手游的控制中心远程关闭系统上所需的阀门.
- 由训练有素的工作人员24小时监控管道运行,一旦发现问题,他们就会关闭管道,直到确定警报的原因.
- 一个高度自动化的管道系统,包括数千个数据传感器和紧急关闭阀,有效地减少了产品的释放量.
- 管道运行状况的实时信息每隔几秒钟就会通过卫星从数千个数据点传输到威尼斯电玩城手游的操作控制中心.
- 管道控制员和现场工作人员应立即调查所有可能出现的问题,这是一项基本要求. 在为了调查异常而关闭管道之后, 在查明原因和作业人员确认这样做是安全的之前,该管道不能重新启动.
威尼斯电玩城手游所有的 紧急应变计划 are developed through a detailed and comprehensive program specific to the project and communities in which we operate. 这包括在规划阶段从当地社区和应急人员那里收集必要和重要的反馈.
We have emergency response personnel on call 一天24小时, seven days a week. These emergency responders consist of employees and contract personnel who specialize in emergency response. The local police and fire departments may be involved to protect the public and ensure our personnel are able to work 安全.
在任何情况下, we take full responsibility for emergency response and cleanup for any of the pipelines that we own and operate.